Copper Miners Daughter


This dress was found in the Salvation Army in Parksville. I saw it sitting in the wrong section, when I picked it up and saw the colours, it first reminded me of sand storm. I had to have it. The jacket was found during a vintage crawl in Kensington Market, I love Toronto for its finds and no matter how much the price shop keepers are always in for a good haggle.

The shoes are again from the Sally Anne, but this time, one in Arizona. I saw them sitting on a table outside. I slipped them on, took a few steps and knew I had to have them. My mom got me the sports bra for Christmas a few years ago, sometimes I wear it as a top.

Sunglasses : Dolce and Gabbana
Necklace : Anice Jewellery
Dress : Sally An Parksville
sports bra : Champion
Coat : Kensington Market

Photos were taken by Angelic Vendette

x - the Collector

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