Couture's Yellow Brick Road


Some of the world’s best fashion doesn’t stem from reading articles in style magazines but renders from what we see and how we adapt to our surroundings. While looking for influence in fashion look no further than the street. The beauty that can come from the ground on which you walk on, can help you to create flawless, jaw dropping looks wherever you go.

Street style is a fashion maven’s most powerful tool and whether you’re looking to be comfortable in boyfriend jeans or loud in couture, you’re doing what you know best and putting your prettiest foot forward. There are no secrets to fashion, everyone develops their own style, it’s just a matter of which character you feel like portraying that day.

Some of us aren’t as adventurous as others, but that doesn’t mean we can’t graduate. The best thing about couture is that it’s always changing and no one is ever ready, we take every opportunity to gather energy and ideas from what we see. Anna Dello Russo grew into her style, Miroslava Duma takes risks with her fashion, and Taylor Tomasi-Hill uses her height and red hair to her advantage and made her style something worth watching for.

We have so many amazing dressers to watch, they’re all brave in what they try and sometimes they succeed and other times we’re left dumbfounded, but there is no sense in staying stationary and comfortable with your garments; style is bravery. Some of the worlds best fashion doesn’t come from reading articles, it supplies itself from what we see on the street, it’s how we adapt season after season.

x - the Collector
Photo by The Walking Canucks. 

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