Manhattan Strut (Day 2 )


Day  two in Manhattan. I was in Brooklyn and didn't get off the train and ended up walking from 42nd street all the way to the Brooklyn Bridge. OVER the bridge and through Brooklyn Heights and ended up too tired to carry on so I came home and HERE I am !!!

Empire State of Mind

Read Me 

Walked the Brooklyn Bridge

Horse hair Camo loafers (need!) 

Jay Bazaar Brooklyn Heights 

Candy Shop couture 

Shake your money MAKER Miley

Locked out of .... Brooklyn

Next Stop; Grand Central 

Brooklyn Artist  (Twitter account HERE!) 

Street stylers 

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Dolce de Leche or Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt !

Street struttin'

Twitter Tweetin' here! 


I took the photo then realized what the store was .

Brooklyn Heights 

She walked in front of my lens 

White Castle in Brooklyn 

Wale of time 

Clutch from OLGA 
Cats eye

Prince left his boots at OLGA's 


A . Wang

Street Art Brooklyn 


A mirror on Park Ave. 

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