I'm Cured


Frustrated when walking into shoppers and all you can see is cosmetics with labels longer than the Declaration of Independence?

Looking for a boutique that carries only all natural products, but won't leave your bank account dryer than the Sahara desert? Welcome to The Cure Apothecary. A beautiful shop dedicated to giving your skin the healthy glow it deserves. Products here have been brought in from all around the world and their labels are short and concise.

I sat down with Natasha Goel and asked her a simple question. "What made you want to open this shop?" "I was sick of never getting results," were the first words out of her mouth and with that, we were kindred spirits.  She also pointed out to me all the fun and beautiful items in her boutique. Soaps, body bars, hair shampoos, skin scrubs (my personal favorite,) all from companies I didn't recognize, but was easily excited to learn about.

Natasha is clearly on the right path and health junkies, myself excluded, will be barreling down her door to get their hands on some Barber and Fritz (from Vancouver) Triumph and Disaster, Old Factory Soap Company, and North Standard.

Like you, I loath Shopper’s and the only time I go in is to mail things to my mother, or grab some late night munchies, other than that, I avoid it like a plague. When it comes to skin care I would much rather walk an extra mile and get the best Toronto can offer, from no other than, The Cure Apothecary.

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